With triplets it’s difficult to find foods that all three agree on; sometimes that means cooking three separate meals just to get them to eat (something I said I’d never do pre-kids). Imagine my surprise when, at around three years old, they all took a liking to smoked salmon. To me smoked salmon seems to have such a distinct flavor, I wasn’t even sure it was kid friendly enough to attempt. Well, my kids absolutely love the stuff!
A common kids’ dinner at our house consists of smoked salmon with avocado and rice, wrapped in nori. With Easter coming up I decided to do a little twist on the original to make it a little more festive. The kids loved eating the “carrots”, and I was happy for a meal without any complaining. These could really work for any meal, and would be a fun addition to an easter brunch. They’re not too difficult to make, but the wrapping of the smoked salmon does take a little patience.
- 1 lb smoked salmon (I use Kirkland brand from Costco due to the longer slices)
- 1 cup sushi rice, cooked
- 1 avocado, sliced in wedges (see pic)
- 5 butter lettuce leaves
- Place a couple long, triangle or "U" shaped pieces of salmon on a cutting board (you may need to slice a little off to create the shape - see pic)
- Add a wedge of avocado toward the center of the salmon slice.
- Add about 2 TBSP of rice on top of the avocado. Shape it to match the cone-like shape with more rice towards the top.
- Fold up a section of the butter lettuce leaf and tuck it into the rice (see pic)
- Carefully roll salmon around the rice and avocado and shape it into a carrot cone shape.
- *Little pieces of salmon may need to be trimmed, tucked, or added to give it the carrot shape and look.
- Garnish with chives to look like grass before serving.

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